Youth Confirmation

About Confirmation

Curriculum: Suggested Materials and Required Reading

Confirmation Class: Session 1: Overview: What is confirmation? Survey of the course materials.

  1. What is confirmation? What do the baptism and confirmation liturgies say? Survey of the course materials.

  2. The Lord’s Prayer: God’s design for prayer.

  3. The Ten Commandments: Introduction to the 10 Commandments and Commandments 1-4: Loving God

  4. The Ten Commandments: Commandments 5-10: Loving your neighbor

  5. The Creeds: The Apostle’s Creed and The Nicene Creed

  6. The Bible: All Other Things Necessary: Bible Survey: The four storylines of scripture and the five worldview questions.

Confirmation Class: Session 1: Overview: What is confirmation? Survey of the course materials.

The Baptism Liturgy:

The Sacrament of Baptism….

When the following promises are made by Godparents and Sponsoring Parents of infants or young children, the Celebrant addresses them 

Today, on behalf of this child, you shall make vows to renounce the devil and all his works, to trust God wholeheartedly, and to serve him faithfully. It is your task to see that this child is taught, as soon as he is able to learn, the meaning of all these vows, and of the Faith that you will profess as revealed in the Holy ScripturesHe must come to put his/her faith in Jesus Christ, and learn the Creeds, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and all other things that a Christian ought to know, believe, and do for the welfare of his soul. When he has embraced all these, he is to come to the Bishop to be confirmed, that he may publicly claim the Faith for his own and be further strengthened by the Holy Spirit to serve Christ and his kingdom. 

Are you willing and ready to undertake this?….. (Baptism Liturgy, Book of Common Prayer, 2019).

The Confirmation Liturgy:

Dearly beloved, it is essential that those who wish to be Confirmed or Received in this Church publicly confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior; become his disciples; know and affirm the Nicene Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments; and have received instruction in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and the Catechism of the Church. God’s grace is imparted in Baptism, through which we are made God’s children by adoption and given the Holy Spirit. By the power of the Spirit, manifested in gifts and fruit, we are enabled to be God’s people for the sake of the world.

Now, these Candidates desire publicly to confess their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and their commitment to follow him as Lord. They also desire the strengthening of grace through the laying on of hands, that the Holy Spirit may fill them more and more for their ministry in the Church and in the world. (Confirmation Liturgy, Book of Common Prayer, 2019).

Confirmation Class: Session 2: The Lord’s Prayer: God’s design for prayer.

Confirmation Class: Session 2: The Lord’s Prayer: God’s design for prayer.

Confirmation Class: Session 3: Introduction to the 10 Commandments and Commandments 1-4: Loving God

Key Verse: “But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Jesus, Matthew 22:34-40, ESV).

Confirmation Class: Session 3: Introduction to the 10 Commandments and Commandments 1-4: Loving God

The Ten Commandments: Playlist, 11 Videos

Confirmation Class: Session 4: The Ten Commandments: Commandments 5-10: Loving your neighbor

  • Commandments 5-10: Loving your neighbor, the horizontal.

  • How are we to relate to one another?

  • The first commandment with a promise.

  • If I do not have love, I am nothing. Lessons from 1 Corinthians 13.

  • What can I do today to love my neighbor?

Confirmation Class: Session 4: The Ten Commandments: Commandments 5-10: Loving your neighbor

Confirmation Class: Session 5: The Creeds: The Apostle’s Creed and The Nicene Creed

  • What are the creeds?

  • What do the creeds teach us?

  • Write the Apostle’s Creed in your own words.

  • Do you believe everything in the creeds?

  • Where are you struggling to believe?

Confirmation Class: Session 6: The Bible: All Other Things Necessary: Bible Survey: The four storylines of scripture and the five worldview questions.

  1. What is the Bible? Listen to the article here.

  2. What are the questions that everyone is asking? Listen to “What is a Christian Worldview?” here.

The Bible is a library of sixty-six books of different literary genres, telling one cohesive narrative of God and his people in the four storylines of scripture, which include: creation, fall-mutiny, rescue-salvation, and restoration; answering the five worldview questions: 1. Where did I come from? 2. Why is there such a mess in the world? 3. Is there any hope? 4. What am I here for? and 5. What happens to me when I die?

The Four Storylines of Scripture:

  1. Creation

  2. Fall-mutiny

  3. Rescue-salvation

  4. Restoration

The Five Worldview Questions:

  1. Where did I come from?

  2. Why is there such a mess in the world?

  3. Is there any hope?

  4. What am I here for?

  5. What happens to me when I die?

Final Application and Field Trip

“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” (The Apostle Paul, Colossians 1:28, ESV).

Share Your Testimony

Four Essential Questions to Consider:

  1. What does God want you to know?

  2. What does God want you to be?

  3. What does God want you to do?

  4. How will you get there?

Learning Activity

  • Who can you ask to disciple you?

  • Where can you go and what can you do to learn more?

  • What will you do to continue to learn and grow in your faith?

  • What is your plan for regular Bible reading and prayer?

Worship and Service

  • How will you apply what you have learned to your life as a follower of Jesus?

  • What will you do to continue to worship Jesus?

  • How will you continue to learn and grow?

  • How will you serve God with your life?

  • What are a few ways you can serve in your church?

  • Who can you disciple/help learn what you have learned?

  • What can you do to give back?