Global Missions
When Jesus told his early followers to “Go” to the uttermost parts of the earth, they went (Matthew 28:19). They left their homes and families and moved to different cultures where people had not yet heard the good news. As they shared, they planted churches in their new homes with those who also wanted to follow Jesus. That is why the Church is the largest organization on the face of the earth today – Christians have never stopped telling others about Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are still “going” today. We encourage people to pray about how they might be a part of God’s great mission to win the world for Himself. This can include praying for missionaries, supporting them financially, going on short-term missions, or long-term mission work. These are some of the overseas missions that Church of the Holy Spirit is involved in.
LaCroix Mission
God has given us a vibrant, deep, and lasting tie with LaCriox Mission in northern Haiti.
LaCriox Mission is Church of the Holy Spirit’s overseas mission focus. We want to do all we can to encourage our people to become involved with this worthy ministry.
Forget-me-Not is a 501(c)(3) ministry led by Tanie and Jacqueline Guy, who are members of our church. CHS supports Forget-me-Not as one of our sponsored ministries. FMN is a ministry to missionaries – to come alongside, heal, and love them, so that they may be more fruitful for the Kingdom.
(Shinyanga, Tanzania)– Shade is a ministry to children with albinism, who are a persecuted minority in East Africa. Claire Grubbs Fedele leads this ministry.
The Persecuted Church
John Nuzum is an advocate for those who suffer persecution for the name of Jesus. He leads overseas missions in countries that are hostile to the Gospel, and has spoken before those in power in support of religious freedom. Use the connect card to request to talk to John if you want to get involved.
Five Talents
Five Talents is a ministry that empowers underprivileged individuals to experience their God-given dignity by developing financial security through savings and business development. Jim Oakes is our primary contact with Five Talents.