At Church of the Holy Spirit, we seek to know God more deeply every day through prayer, worship, and fellowship with Jesus Christ and one another, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
We invite you to step off into the deep end of what a relationship with the living God is all about as you experience his love for you and his power working in you.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” - Mark 12:30 (ESV)
Our vision is to be on fire for Jesus. Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength is the first commandment and our passionate priority. We believe the purpose of life is pursuing intimacy with God.
God calls us to love each other deeply, from the heart. As we grow in love for God, we also increase in our love for one another. We aim to be a community that honors each other and walks in love and humility.
We pursue depth in our faith, seeking to dig a deeper well with God. We aim to grow in both Word and Spirit - studying Scripture diligently and moving in the power of God. Above all, we seek to encounter God’s manifest presence.
We believe that Jesus is God the Son, who loved us so much that he came to earth to die, taking the penalty for all our wrongdoings upon himself, and rising from the dead to reunite us to God. Jesus promises eternal life for all who believe in him and accept the saving gift of his sacrifice. He will return to reign as our king and will bring back to life all those who have died with faith in him.
The Bible is the source of authority for what we believe, teach, and practice as a church. We believe it is the revealed Word of God. The Nicene Creed articulates our statement of faith.
We believe that baptism is an important step in every believer’s spiritual life. Through it, we publicly declare that we are part of God’s family and are committed to following Jesus. We also believe that Jesus taught us to receive his body and blood by eating and drinking bread and wine together in Communion. God uses both of these things to deeply bless our souls.
Church of the Holy Spirit is a congregation with historic ties to the Anglican Communion, which has over 80 million members worldwide.
We are part of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), and Steve Woods is our Archbishop. Within the ACNA, we are a part of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, a group of 44 congregations and missions in Virginia, Maryland, the District of Colombia, Delaware, West Virginia, and North Carolina. Our Diocesan Bishop is Chris Warner.
If you would like more information about Anglicanism, please see these resources:
For style of worship services: Book of Common Prayer (2019)
For detailed beliefs: The Catechism, The 39 Articles of Religion