Tree of Life Ministries
Tree of Life Ministries
Tree of Life Ministries (TOL) is a collaborative effort of like-minded Christian churches to impact the poor and needy. Both the journey of life and the Tree of Life begin with Jesus Christ in that He alone said: “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
In 2008, Purcellville Baptist Church in Loudoun County Virginia committed to set aside the first 10% of all annual giving to meet the needs of the poor. From that decision, Tree of Life Ministries was born and subsequently registered as an independent 501c(3) nonprofit organization in 2012.
A Biblical Proverb teaches that "hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a Tree of Life." Our desire within Tree of Life is to rally the Christian community to help fulfill those longings while constantly affirming that the source of real hope is Jesus Christ.
Contact Person: patricia@phillipsresources.com