Rector Search

Thank you for being interested in our Rector Search at Church of the Holy Spirit.

Church of the Holy Spirit is an Anglican church in the evangelical and charismatic traditions. We are known for our lively blended worship experiences, loving embrace of one another, healing prayer ministry, as well as our mentoring and teaching ministries. We are at the northwestern edge of the Washington DC metroplex, in the Dulles tech corridor, in the fast-growing and most highly educated county in the US -Loudoun County, Virginia. We are part of the Anglican Church in North America (“ACNA”), in the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic.

We are a Three Streams Church - evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental. We encourage everyone, both individually and corporately, to use and be trained in both scripture and spiritual gifts. We strive to embody the adage “in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity.” In the essentials, we are conservative in thelogy; in non-essentials, we generally embrace and celebrate our differences, and are quite diverse in many ways. This includes race, ethnicity, economics, politics, and some points of doctrine.

Our Distinctive

Our vision is to be an Acts 2 church, like the first church in Jerusalem. Our mission is to invite nations and generations to experience God’s love and power. Our strategy is to: 1) Connect with God and the church through worship and prayer; 2) Grow deeper in discipleship and becoming equipped for ministry; and 3) Go on mission, in evangelism and service. Our values are: loving God and neighbors; embracing the manifest power of the Holy Spirit; following the Bible as our infallible authority; emphasizing conversion and holiness; equipping for ministry and supporting in prayer; and upholding authenticity, flexibility, humor and respect.

We make disciples that make disciples, and plant churches that plant churches.

Check out our Parish Profile by clicking on the button below for a more complete description of who we are at Church of the Holy Spirit. Please also click on the Rector We Seek button to learn more about what we are looking for in candidates to become our next Rector, and how to apply for the position.

Our Vision, Mission, Strategy, and Values