Church of the Advent

Church of the Ascension 

We launched Sunday services on Palm Sunday 2018!   Learn more about us at our new website,

Our office address is 71 Edmond Rd, Suite 2, Kearneysville, WV 25430. At the tip of the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, this is one of the fastest growing regions in the greater Washington D.C. metro area.  People are migrating out of crowded city spaces to developing historic settings in countryside, small towns and small cities. While the area is not as rural as it used to be, it retains many of those traditional qualities as it increasingly becomes more reflective of the metro area. With the demographic changes over the two decades, a need exists for strong, Spirit-filled churches intentionally engaging these merging historic Appalachia and Baltimore/Washington D.C. metro areas. Our demographic is largely composed of commuters whose lives are tuned to the hustle and bustle of their careers for the sake of enjoying their limited down time in a more relaxed and scenic setting. Darryl and Becki Fitzwater began senior pastoral ministry in 2003. Since then they have served pastorally in a variety of contexts.