
We provide opportunities and encouragement for you to give God glory in every part of your life.  That is what disciples of Christ get to do: We glorify God and enjoy him forever!  The way we do this is our three part strategy:

Know, Grow, Go!     

What does it mean to Grow?  All healthy, living things grow.  Growing is about getting closer to God; becoming more conformed to the character of Jesus; learning of the content of the Faith once delivered to the saints, and how to apply that in our lives; and learning how to move in the power of the Holy Spirit winsomely, both in our own lives, and as we lead others.

We grow best in spiritual friendships and teams, where we learn more about how to live and minister together.  We also grow when we work through family issues, past traumas, and limiting beliefs in a variety of ways, including through pastoral counsel and inner healing ministries. We long for every believer to grow into the destiny God has for him or her, and as we grow into our destiny as a congregation.

For more on our Strategy, see our Connect and Go! pages.

Small Groups of various kinds!

We want everyone to be in small group at our church!  Do you have a small group? It’s the best way we know to make friend in church.  In Small Group, we grow in our relationship with God, build friendships of mutual support with one another, and reach out to others. Some small groups are more caring/support oriented, like Home Groups; some are more education oriented, like Adult Sunday School or Bible studies; others are more task oriented, like Praise Band;  and still others are more discipleship oriented, like Life Transformation Groups (accountability groups). All groups care for one another and pray for one another.

Classes: Core Curriculum & More 

Our Adult Education program begins with our Core Curriculum, Classes 101-106: Alpha; Membership; Network; Evangelism; Confirmation; and Forming. We want everyone to take our Core Curriculum, for it teaches the basics of how to live the Christain life.  We also offer other education opportunities, such as Bible studies, and other level 200 courses, from time to time.  Our Small Groups are also great places to learn more about the Christian life, as we study the Bible and other helpful books.

Healing Ministry: Growing whole

Our God is a healing God!  He longs to heal us in body, mind, and spirit.  Healing is a sign of the in-breaking of the Kingdom of God.  God reaches down from Heaven and brings the life of Heaven to earth. God is manifesting many, many, healings among us, on a daily basis. These are too numerous to list – just ask someone on a Sunday if they have experienced healing, and listen to their story!   Many of us who have been trained are seeing God do miracles in people around us. God is setting people free from past traumas, family issues and limiting beliefs that have kept them from experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promised.   

We have three programmatic ways for you to receive healing ministry: on Sunday mornings, at First Saturday Healing Service, and by Appointment.   Every Sunday we have trained ministers who are available pray during the distribution of Holy Communion in the front corners of the Sanctuary, or after the service – just make your need known!  Every first Saturday of the month, we have a Healing service at 5:00PM, where our trained ministers will pray for you. We also have Prayer Appointments, where two ministers will pray for you for 90 minutes or more. You must fill out this form online ahead of a Prayer Appointment so we are adequately prepared.

Children’s Ministry

At Church of the Holy Spirit, we support parents’ efforts to teach their children to follow the Lord.  We offer a safe and fun environment where children can grow in Jesus Christ and make friends. Sunday School is available every week at both Sunday services, and we focus on Bible lessons.

Youth Ministry

We are a youth ministry that purposely sets youth on a course to collide with their creator, the LIVING GOD. It is our desire that this generation would awaken from the cultural deep sleep that so many have fallen into. Most Sundays, we offer both Jr. High and Sr. High Sunday school during the adult message. We also offer Sunday evening Youth Groups at the Church for both ages, where we go deeper in discipleship and fellowship.

Men’s Ministry

We believe that each Christian man needs the company of other men to become the man God desires him to be.  Only a man can teach a man or boy how to be a man, a husband, or father.  We gather together in small groups, in accountability, prayer, and mentoring relationships, at retreats, and in a monthly breakfast. We also serve on an ad hoc basis to help people in need.

Women’s Ministry

We support each other in many ways to become the women God has dreamed for us to be!  Through small groups, prayer groups, Bible studies, retreats, teas and fellowship events, as well as mentoring, accountability and prayer relationships, we are growing closer to God and to each other.

Music Ministry

It is our desire to offer music that stirs the heart of God, ignites the passion of love for God in His people, and ministers to us at the heart level.  Our hope is that people will encounter God’s love and power, and His presence, through the melodies and sounds of adoration, grace and joy. While we play mostly contemporary worship music, we also sing great hymns of Christian tradition.

Pastoral Care

We want everyone at Church of the Holy Spirit to know that they are cared for. Jesus is our Good Shepherd; He also appoints under-shepherds to pastor his local flocks.  Our primary delivery system for pastoral care is
our small group system, where we care for one another, and our leaders care for their members. We also have a team of lay pastors who shepherd the flock.  Our clergy team is also available to meet with parishioners for guidance, prayer, and comfort. 


The Bible offers many examples of mentoring relationships, like Moses and Joshua, Paul and Timothy, and Naomi and Ruth. We encourage everyone to find someone younger in the church to befriend, and to help guide in faith and life. Having someone who has been there before is an enormous help to us as we navigate life changes.  Men mentor men, and women mentor women.  Please contact a pastor if you would like to be a mentor, or receive one.